The Natural Calendar of Shunkunitai

June @
@ @


@ The birds The Plants

The animals and nature

early month
Seberian Rubythroats, Stonechats, Japanese Robins and Red-flanked Bushrobin sing beautifully.
Japanese Cranes may take their fledglings.
Pairs of Bullfinces come around the Nature Center to eat seeds of the dandelions.
Anemone flaccidas blossom.
Mainathemum dilatatums blossom.
Lamium ablums are in full bloom.
Squirrels can be seen.
Larvae of salamanders, look like a tadpole, are born.
the middle of month

Far Eastern Curlews stay at Shunkunitai.
Songs of Siberian Rubythroat can be heard.
Sand Martins fly cross each other.

Thermopisis lipinoideses blossom.

Prunus ssiories blossom.

Glaux maritimas blossom.
Dense fogs often occur.
Many mosquitoes start to appear. Be careful when you go out.
the end of month
Many Black Woodpeckers appear.
White-rumped Swifts fly across each other.

Rose rugosa Thunbs are in full bloom.
Iris setosas blossom.
Lathyrus japonicuses blossom.


Swallowtails fly cross each other.

     This natural calendar is drawn up by the various data researched from around the Nature Center.  The season of flowers and birds are different from year to year.  Please use it as a reference.
