The Natural Calendar of Shunkunitai

July @
@ @

Black Woodpecker

@ The birds The Plants

The animals and nature

early month
‘ Nestlings of the small birds start to leave their nest.


Some Oystercatchers are spending the summer.
‘ Geranium yasoenses blossom.
‘ Potentilla yokusainans blossom.
‘ Glaux maritimas are in full bloom.
‘ Terpnosia nigricostas Locusts start to cry
the middle of month


Some Far Eastern Curlews are spending the summer.


GreyPlovers and Rufous-necked Stint return.


Iris ensatas blossom
‘ Swallowtails, Pallieseens Buttlers and Thoressavaria Marrays appear.
the end of month
‘ Greyed-tailed Tattlers and Mongolian Plovers return.


Japanese Cranes and Stellerfs Sea Eagles are often spotted at the mudflats.


Spiraea sahicifolia blossom.
‘ Fruits of Rose rugosa Thunb..ex Murrays start to ripen.


Dense fog dose not occur so often. We have fine fall days.

     This natural calendar is drawn up by the various data researched from around the Nature Center.  The season of flowers and birds are different from year to year.  Please use it as a reference.
